“AREDOX transforms electrowinning
into a reversible process by introducing
new patented electrodes and electrolyte. »

Gérard Bienvenu
AREDOX CTOHead of the electrochemical department (240 Researchers), of the BATTELLE MEMORIAL INSTITUTE (BMI Genève) for 10 years.
50 granted patents
Winner of the Worldwide innovation Challenge (2.2M€) for his mass hydrogen production process (ERGOSUP)
Gérard Bienvenu
Michel Jehan
AREDOX CEOFounder of McPhy energy (EPA: MCPHY), 80 employees and MCP Technologies SA (multimillion € Rev).
National Prize Yves Rocard 2012 by the French Physics society, Special Jury prize “Chéreau-Lavet” 2011
Michel Jehan
Charging phase
While charging, the metal is dissolved in the electrolyte is deposited
on the electrodes (just as per electrowinning process)
Discharge phase
During the discharge the acid dissolves the metal,
liberating the electrons and generating a very high intensity current (up to 10 times the charging intensity levels)
AREDOX Technologies in 4 numbers
0 Patents
Protected innovation
0 M$
R&D invests
0 Years
3 years of experimentation by two of the world foremost expert on the subject
0 Prototypes developped
Currently running